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Monday, June 6, 2011

Paper Thought June 6, 2011

I always let it happen but I guess I have myself to blame this time. My "Best Friend" started dating this guy I like but it is okay he is just a guy if it was meant to be it would have happened. I dropped it but now I know who I can not trust. It doesn't make sense to me. How I can be such a good friend. She told me not to go near certain guys and not to talk to certain guys because she still loved them, and I respected that. So why do bad things always have to happen to me. I am such a good friend and this is how I am repaid...? I have given up on giving me trust to people because most people are the same. They have mouths that are weapons, they will use them given the power to. From now on I will just keep my secrets buried deep within myself. No one can be trusted no matter how much you think they can. I have finally learned this lesson. I always wanted to think that the saying eat or be eaten wasn't true but it is. Either you fight for yourself or someone will step right over you and take what you want. It is a play or be played type of world. It is really sad that it has to be that way.
I feel like I can not even trust my family now. Isn't that suppose to be the only people you can trust? The ones who will always be there? .... Life is never as it seems. You have to second guess everything and remember there are no promises in life.